The FDA defines a skin protectant drug product as a product that temporarily protects injured or exposed skin or mucous membrane surfaces from harmful or annoying stimuli and may provide relief to such surfaces. (FR Doc 03-13751/347.3 June 4, 2004)
♦ Provide a physical moisture barrier, keeping feces, urine and wound drainage from intact and injured skin.
♦ Act as a counter-irritant, and temorarily relieve discomfort and itching from rashes, eczema, insect bites, and
contact dermatitis such as poison ivy, oak and sumac.
♦ Menthol has been shown to cause vasodilation. This may increase circulation to an area and aid in healing.
♦ Mild antiseptic ingredients may help prevemt secondary bacterial and fungal infections of the skin.
Calmoseptine® Ointment was originally developed by a pharmacist for use as a diaper rash ointment for infants.Since its introduction 80years ago, many other uses have been found.The following list has been compiled from feedback from doctors, nurses and other health care professionals who have used Calmoseptine® Ointment.